Get Thick EYEBROWS....!!!

Thursday, 10 January 2013
Thin eyebrow is problem faced by many women. Eyebrow gives definition to a person's personality. So it is very important to maintain it as it matters a lot on our face. Now i have listed few tips below. You have to follow them daily. The result will not be quick. So you have to keep patience. Steps are:

  1. Wash and scrub your eyebrows daily to remove the bacteria,dandruff or other stuff.
  2. Dab olive oil in cotton on your eyebrows and leave them overnight.
  3. Consult doctor and get a good eyebrow nourishing oil.
  4.  Apply pencil that match your eyebrow shade.
  5. This one's a bit whacky, still if you wish you can get tattoo eyebrow.
  6. Use eyebrow conditioner.
  7. Apply aloe vera gel.
  8. Eat a lot of protien and omega-3 content as it enhances the hair growth property.
Some oil which are very useful for eyebrow growth are: jojoba oil, rosemary oil, coconut oil.


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