14 Tips to control HUNGER

Friday, 18 January 2013

 You are putting more and more weight and your appetite as you feel is increasing day by day. And you want to curb it but more you try something to reduce your hunger, the result is that you start getting more hungry. If you are facing this problem , I have listed some tips which are helpful in dealing with this:

1. Eat slowly. Now this one is important. Brain gets late signal from your stomach that its full. So when you eat slow you don't overeat. So your diet is in control.
2. Don't skip meals. You should never skip your meal. Because your body needs energy to function properly. And its get energy from food. And when you skip meal then you are giving invitation to your increased hunger and you start getting more hungry and as result crab in more food,in short calorie.
3. Eat your veggies. Eat lot of green veggie as they contain lot of energy. So will make you feel less hungry.
4. Eat more whole grains and less refined carbohydrates and protein.
Whole grains, besides being healthier than their 'nutrient-stripped' refined counterparts, are also higher in fibre.
Thus they are more filling and satisfying.
While refined carbs -- like idlis, dosas, white bread, white rice -- may be low in fat, they are higher in fibre. You may run the risk of over-consuming calories.
5. Eat small frequent meals. Eat frequently in small quantities. This will fulfill your hunger and you wont feel hungry and eating in small quantity prevents the extra kilos from getting added on your body.
6Sleep n shed weight. Lack of sleep affects hormones related to appetite, causing you to gain pounds. You should sleep atleast 6 to 9 hours. This helps your body to store right energy in your body and gives energy to work for long hours efficiently. Thus it will keep your hunger hormone in control.
7. Drink more water. Thirst is often mistaken as hunger. Now this is not a new theory. You know that drinking 3ltrs of water daily is useful for you in every way. When you have your meal, don't drink in between your meal. Because this is wrong. So if you really wanna lose your hungry feeling but feel thirsty while your meal then DRINK WATER 30MIN BEFORE MEAL OR AFTER MEAL. This is a good point to remember.
8. Eat lot of salad. When you eat lot of salad in your core meal like cucumber is the best salad element. These salad fill your stomach make you feel less hungry and in this way you will eat less and so lose your weight easily.
9. Take your snack in bowl. When you are having snack have habit of taking it out in a bowl. This way you will know how much you are eating. While when you eat from packet you just go on munching.
10. Limit caffeine intake. Because this increases your appetite.
11. Don't overdo exercise. Because this way you lose more energy thus unknowingly you eat more because of hunger. Though exercising in a proper way will reduce your appetite and gives you a lot of other benefit.
12. Drink water when you are hungry and wait for 15min if you still feel hungry then only eat but some healthy snack.
13. Chew sugarless gum. When you feel hungry chew gums thus for brain you are eating. Thus you wont feel hungry.
14. Chose low fat snacks like popcorn. And avoid simple sugar.


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