- Regular application of coconut oil or aloe vera gel or arnica oil or almond oil or castor oil or olive oil combats hair fall and baldness.
- Take fenugreek , male paste and apply on patches of baldness and let the hair absorb the paste for one hour. this shows effective reduction in hairfall.
- Mixture of beetroot leaves with henna work wonders.
- Make a hair pack by mixing hot olive oil, honey, and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and apply it on scalp before bath for 15min. It is very effective.
- Honey mixed with onion massaged on patches works wonder.
- Take equal amount of camphor and curd and apply on bald patches and let dry for 2 hrs.
- Scrub a half lemon on the bald patches for continuosly 2 months. It is seriously effective as it removes a and kills the dirt and germs on scalp.
- Coconut oil mixed with lime is also effective.
- The oil prepared at home by boiling Indian gooseberry (amla) in coconut oil.
- Boil 250grm mustard oil with 100gms of henna and make a paste and apply on hair.
- You can use amla with lime juice to make shampoo.
- Make a concoction of 2 eggs, 2 tea spoons of amla(Indian gooseberry),shikakai(acacia concinna),soap nut(reetha).Massage for 30 minutes on your scalp with this mixture, and wash off with a mild shampoo .You can use this home remedy 3-4 times a week to treat baldness/hair loss.
- You can use egg yolk with honey as a home remedy to cure hair fall/baldness, and get silky hair.
- Use aloe vera with herbal powder triphala for 3- 6 months on a regular basis to treat baldness/hair loss. Use this baldness/hair loss treatment to fight baldness and hair loss at home naturally.
- Ash gourd or curry leaves helps in treating baldness problem .Use this baldness/hair fall treatment to deal with falling hair naturally.
- Take 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1 tea spoon of cumin seeds to rub on your bald patches to treat baldness and hair fall. Try this home remedy.
- Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.
- Apply a fine paste made from pea or red gram or fresh coriander leaves; it is an effective home remedy in curing hair loss baldness naturally at home.
- Seeds of lime and black pepper ground to fine paste when applied on a daily basis on the scalp helps in curing baldness/ hair loss naturally at home. Try this home remedy.
- Rinse your hair with following techniques:
a) Boil
hibiscus in a glass of water and strain this mixture to apply with lime juice
on your bald patches. You can use this after shampooing your hair.
b) Rinse
your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea.
c) Rinse
your hair with water in which rosemary leaves or geranium leaves had been
boiled to get rid of baldness and hair loss.
d) Application
of coconut milk is very helpful.
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